Elements that can be customised on this page are as follows:

  • Title and Small text can be found in the localised file.

Whatever your feedback or questions we would love to hear from you, please e-mail us at : [email protected]


Colliers Wood, London, SW19
[email protected]

Opening Times

Monday - Saturday : 11am - 9pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays : 11am - 8pm

Follow Us On Facebook and Twitter for exclusive promotions!

Contact Form

Thank you for contacting Green Touch, we will respond very soon, via phone or email.

Resources Useful websites and tutorials


Task Date
Complete the Social icons addition for this contact page, should include at least Facebook, Google and Twitter
Check browser support for HTML5 form elements - pollyfill or do without
Need to validate this vis JS and then AJAX the form over to formspree
Place an optional simple captcha on the form - recaptcha partial