- Introduction
- Install
- Project Templates
- Running Middleman
- Build Middleman
- Kill Middleman
- Partial
- Wordpress to Middleman
- Todo
Middleman runs from the source folder. However there are a few configuration files outside of this:
- config.rb - Main Middleman configuration file, should not need to alter this much. But this is where we would place any proxy requirements, i.e. Dynamic Pages.
- Data folder contains the configuration and data elements for the project.
In each project there should be a required gemfile. Running:
$ bundle install
Will run it and install the required gems for the project
Project Templates
@see http://middlemanapp.com/basics/getting-started/#toc_6
When initialising a new Middleman project you should define the Template that should be associated with the development.
$ cd /path-to-project
$ middleman init Test --template=phonegap
Command Line -T, [–template=TEMPLATE]
Running Middleman
Make sure you are in the public folder of the project, then run the command to initialise Middleman, you need to put in your admin account to run this on Port 80. See ripple docs for instructions on install and setup.
$ folder.tms
$ launch.tms
$ /var/www/project.com && sudo bundle exec middleman server -p 80
$ ripple emulate --remote http://localhost
To run on another port use, this will default to port :4567
$ bundle exec middleman server
Open up Chrome and browse to http://localhost or http://localhost:4567
Middleman has some great toys to play with, for instance changes in the main codebase will conjure up a live reload of the browser screen. Please note this will not work for Library files; if these require editing then the service must be restarted.
$ ctrl + c
$ sudo bundle exec middleman server -p 80
Writing code in HAML, CoffeeScript and SCSS will be automatically compiled from the source directory for instant viewing in the development browser.
Build Middleman
When you are ready to release some code the following command will instruct Middleman to build the minified and concatenated code.
$ bundle exec middleman build --clean --verbose
The output will simply be a bunch of HTML files, assets, one CSS file and one JavaScript file.
Kill Middleman
$ ps aux | grep middleman
$ sudo kill -9 15106
Check out overriding partial helpers https://gist.github.com/vernonk/4969096
Partials form the building blocks for each project, in a manner of speaking these can be classified as our Widgets.
For example, creating a new widget would require creating the following files:
- In partial/_library-partials create the named widget file in the correct folder or create a new folder.
- In assets/javascripts/_library-js a correspondingly named file should be created
- In assets/stylesheets/_library-scss a correspondingly named files should be created
Wordpress to Middleman
wp2middleman is a gem that can be installed that iterates through an exported wordpress XML file and produces compatible middleman blog posts.
$ gem install wp2middleman
$ wp2mm footyjapancompetitions.wordpress.2016-02-10.xml --body_to_markdown true --include_fields wp:post_id link
- Complete the section
- https://github.com/cavneb/middleman-backbone/tree/master/source/javascripts
- http://www.padrinorb.com/api/Padrino/Helpers/RenderHelpers.html