This document will outline the module provided by Middleman for localization, and CodeBlender's preferred process to work with translation agents.
The general idea is that through convention any edits can be handled more automatically.
Middleman provides an extension to facilitate a full GUI internationalization. Simply activate the module in the config.rb script.
activate :i18n
CodeBlender follows the default set up for middleman by requiring the locale files to be within the locales folder at the root level :
The YAML file is simply a key, value store for each string that requires translation. These keys obviously need to be identical across all locale files with differing values.
hello: "Hello"
hello: "Hola"
There are more advanced options described in the internationalization docs.
Each Middleman template in the localizable folder will then have access to the locale strings. In HAML (CodeBlender's template language ) they are created by
= string :hello
Each language is then accessible in its own name spaced path :
Firstly the developer should create a new Google sheet (or excel) that has the following columns. CodeBlender prefers a cloud based sheet for automation, collaboration and revision purposes.
Currently we require that the sharing permissions are set to 'Anyone with the link with can view'.
- KEY (Template identifier)
- English (en) - Language A
- French (fr) - Language B
An example sheet can be seen here. At CodeBlender we write our keys in English but this is entirely up to you.
The header row is not just there for convenience, but has one very important duty. Each language locale file is named after the string within the brackets, and should be representative of the language two or full ISO code.
The keys should be as verbose as possible in describing possible location, utilisation and context. For example the pagination module requires the following keys.
pagination.first, First, Next
pagination.previous, Previous
pagination.last, Last
We can now see from the key the module and English pointer. This can be viewed in sheet also.
We can also comment out an entire Row by adding a hash in the first column. This allows us to write some instructions or perhaps add a link to a wireframe on InVision.
- An empty row will just be ignored, do not put any text in any of the columns.
By providing the sheet key to the developer, we can utilise the CodeBlender core script to turn the Google sheet into the required locale files.
An example link will look like