Mandrill email
  1. Mandrill email

Mandrill email Transactional email sending


Mandrill is a transactional email service. Enabling emails to be sent through a full featured API service


Use Middleman to create a development environment for the Email Templates.

Creating reusable modules for these makes it easy to change and update in the future.

The finalised HTML for the templates should then be copy and pasted from the built middleman folder to Mandrill.

Templates are built in HAML.


Currently Mandrill does not allow multiple users on a single account.

Images for Templates

There are two ways to manage images. These can either be embedded into the template through Base64 encoding. Or pulled from a S3 / Cloudfront bucket.

Optionally images can also be embedded within the Mandrill template when the send is initiated. This may be useful for the Order Logos.

Steps here would be get the Base64 values for each logo and then dynamically embed the result into the JSON request.

Base64 Converter


Templates on Mandrill

They are uploaded to the Mandrill system in two ways, through the Website or through an API call.

Simply copy and pasting the HTML generated from middleman build into the form within Mandrill will update the template.

Identifying a template in the JSON is simply done via its name e.g.

"template_name" : "NAME",

There are also options to preview and test through the website


Visual Testing

Checking how the mail look in multiple clients can be time consuming, using the following tools can save constant checking

Mailchimp Inbox Inspector Litmus

Send Testing

Using Postman which is a Google Chrome store application; provides us a means to send repeatable JSON requests to the mandrill API.

It stores a nice history of the sends done in the past.

Can also share the testing others have done in a team by exporting the API requests that have been created.

Example JSON

These should be performed within Postman, but are here for guidance:


    "key"     : "KEY",
    "async"   : false,
    "message" :
        "html"       : "<p>Example HTML content</p>",
        "text"       : "Example text content",
        "subject"    : "Test from Postman",
        "from_email" : "[email protected]",
        "from_name"  : "Ian",
        "to"         : [
                "email" : "[email protected]",
                "name"  : "Ian 2"
        "headers": {
            "Reply-To": "[email protected]"
        "important"           : false,
        "track_opens"         : true,
        "track_clicks"        : true,
        "tags": [

Send Template

    "key"              : "KEY",
    "async"            : false,
    "template_name"    : "welcome-type-1",
    "template_content" :
            "name"    : "Ian 2",
            "content" : "Blah Content"
    "message" :
        "html"       : "<p>Example HTML content</p>",
        "text"       : "Example text content",
        "subject"    : "Test from Postman",
        "from_email" : "[email protected]",
        "from_name"  : "Ian",
        "to"         : [
                "email" : "[email protected]",
                "name"  : "Ian Warner"
        "headers": {
            "Reply-To": "[email protected]"
        "important"           : false,
        "track_opens"         : true,
        "track_clicks"        : true,
        "tags": [

JSON code to deploy a mandrill template

    "key"              : "KEY",
    "async"            : false,
    "template_name"    : "template1",
    "template_content" : "",
    "message" :
        "subject"    : "Test from Postman - Added Images",
        "from_email" : "[email protected]",
        "from_name"  : "Ian",
        "to"         : [
                "email" : "[email protected]",
                "name"  : "Ian 2"
        "headers": {
            "Reply-To" : "[email protected]"
        "important"    : true,
        "track_opens"  : true,
        "track_clicks" : true,
        "tags" : [
        "global_merge_vars" : [
                "name"    : "FNAME",
                "content" : "Ian 2"
                "name"    : "POLICYID",
                "content" : "#3493834343434"
        "images" : [
                "type"    : "image/png",
                "name"    : "LOGO",
                "content" : "BASE64 Image"

Email Template Cheat Sheet

HTML Emails Newsletter Tutorial

  • Respect your reader. Don't waste their time or attention.
  • Ask nicely first.
  • Focus on relevance.
  • Design with a goal in mind, so that you'll know if it worked.
  • Make unsubscribing easy.
  • Code like it's 1999 (literally) and use in-line CSS.
  • Always include a plain text version.
  • Don't assume that images will be viewed.
  • Follow the law.
  • Test everything before sending, because you can't take it back.


MobileMetro Email Templates Responsive Templates

Pre Flight

This is a method of converting CSS from a file to in-line CSS ready for email sending Pre-Flight


Write section on learning :