1. Phonegap



PhoneGap is a port of Cordova a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. PhoneGap essentially allows the user to utilise the PhoneGap Build to create the applications. Whereas Cordova requires XCode to create the application for iPhone.

The Wrapper gives the application access to some of the device's native features such as the geo-location. For a full list see the PhoneGap Features



Please read initial setup also, to correctly setup node and npm on your machine.

Install the latest release through NPM

$ npm inst cordova -g
$ npm inst ios-sim -g
$ npm inst plugman -g

$ npm update cordova -g
$ npm update ios-sim -g
$ npm update plugman -g

$ npm update -g

PhoneGap Build

Utilising PhoneGap Build we can build out an application for all devices in one go. This will require uploading a Zip file or Git Push to the site and waiting for it to compile the packages.

The package must contain a Config XML file in the correct location for all Device OS.

Please check out the Build Starter Application and Cordova Hello World for further advice on this.

PhoneGap Build API

Understanding the PhoneGap Build API will make the build seamless. There is likely a thor file in the project that will build middleman and update the project on PhoneGap Build automatically with a Zip file.

Token - will prompt for your Adobe password

$ curl -u [email protected] -X POST -d "" https://build.phonegap.com/token | python -mjson.tool

User details

$ curl https://build.phonegap.com/api/v1/me?auth_token=Token | python -mjson.tool

 PhoneGap Plugins

To enable native functionality within the application, you must whitelist the required plugins. Please check out the PhoneGap Plugins page for an overview of the plugins available, and then Available Plugins for the complete set.

Plugins can be referenced by version also.

Libraries of Plugins can be found by third party developers, a central repository of these is located at Plugin Registry.

Plugins of note:

Cordova Plugins

Search plugins

$ cordova plugin search "bar"

Installed Plugins

$ cordova plugin ls

Use Plugman http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/edge/plugin_ref_plugman.md.html

How to write a Plugin http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/edge/plugin_ref_spec.md.html


Check out the iOS Developer Center for the latest news and updates on iOS technology.

Read the PhoneGap iOS Getting Started guide


Although we are not directly building through the Android SDK it is important to keep up with what is happening in this space.

Command Line

Below is a simple example for creating a new application and emulating this inside a browser for iOS, utilising the Cordova CLI.


$ phonegap create tms -i "com.project.tms" -n "PROJECT"
$ cd tms
$ phonegap build ios


$ cordova create "MyCordovaProject" com.domain.cordova "MyCordovaProject"
$ cd MyCordovaProject
$ cordova platform add ios
$ cordova build
$ cordova emulate ios --target="iPad (Retina)"
  • The first argument specifies a directory to be generated, it should not already exist.
  • Second argument is the domain identifier, it can be edited later in config.xml
  • The last is thte application display title.

List platforms

$ cordova platforms ls

Plugin Installation

$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/kdzwinel/phonegap-estimotebeacons

Plugin Removal

$ phonegap local plugin remove org.apache.cordova.device
$ phonegap local plugin remove org.apache.cordova.geolocation
$ phonegap local plugin remove org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser
$ phonegap local plugin remove org.apache.cordova.dialogs
$ phonegap local plugin remove org.apache.cordova.vibration


$ cordova build


$ cordova emulate ios

Status Bar

To remove the status bar in iOS 7 use the following entries in the plist file.


In the configuration on XCode the following achieves the same

set Status bar is initially hidden = YES
add row: View controller-based status bar appearance = NO

 Update Cordova

$ cordova -v
$ npm update -g cordova
$ npm update -g ios-deploy
$ npm update -g ios-sim