JavaScript is required for the navigation collapse Be sure to add a role="navigation" to the navbar to help with accessibility. Requires a /data/navigation.yaml file to be present. Basically checks the YAML for Divider, Dropdown or Menu Item then displays according to the YAML.

Declaring active links in both Angular - with directory indexes or normal requires that the path defined matches the current_page.url

= codeBlender "navbar", "molecule", data.navigation
<nav class='navbar' id='navbar' role='navigation'>
<div class='container'>
<div class='navbar-header'>
<button aria-expanded='false' class='navbar-toggle collapsed' data-target='#navbar-collapse' data-toggle='collapse' type='button'>
<span class='sr-only'>Toggle Navigation</span>
<span class='icon-bar'></span>
<span class='icon-bar'></span>
<span class='icon-bar'></span>
<div class='navbar-collapse collapse' id='navbar-collapse'>
<ul class='nav navbar-left navbar-nav'>
<a href='/'>

<a href='/atom/atom.html'>

<a href='/molecule/molecule.html'>

<a href='/organism/organism.html'>

<a href='/template/template.html'>

<li class='dropdown'><a aria-expanded='false' aria-haspopup='true' class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' href='javascript:;' role='button' type='button'>
<span class='dropdown__icon'></span>


<ul aria-labelledby='dropdownMenu1' class='dropdown-menu' role='menu'>
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/disqus/disqus.html">Disqus
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/facebook/facebook.html">Facebook
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/firebase/firebase.html">Firebase
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/flikr/flikr.html">Flikr
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/google/google.html">Google
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/gravatar/gravatar.html">Gravatar
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/linkedin/linkedin.html">LinkedIn
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/mailchimp/mailchimp.html">Mailchimp
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/pinterest/pinterest.html">Pinterest
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/skype/skype.html">Skype
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/treatwell/treatwell.html">Treatwell
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/twitter/twitter.html">Twitter
<li ui-sref-active='active'>
<a href="/social/youtube/youtube.html">YouTube


<a href='/football/football.html'>

<a href='/media/media.html'>

<a href='/mobile/mobile.html'>

<form action='/search.html' class='navbar-form navbar-right' role='search'>
<div class='form-group' show-errors='{showSuccess: true}'>
<label class='control-label sr-only' for='q'>
<div class='input-group'>
<span class='fa fa-search input-group-addon' ng-hide='loading'></span>

<input autocomplete='on' class='form-control' id='q' name='q' placeholder='Search' type='text'>



<button class='btn btn-default' type='button'>



Resources Useful websites and tutorials

Title URL
Bootstrap navigation bar
Bootstrap example


Task Date
Active menu item needs to be completed
General images and icons need to work for each item and as an item in there own right
When multiple items are floated right then they cross over - need to batch these up in one section - right or left in the YAML
Need the ability to add images as placeholders.
Active links for dropdown menus needs sorting
Icon to collapse any child sidebar
Icons left or right to bring in offcanvas menus
Confirm whether each of the elements in the YAML are required now, comment them
Add the shopping widget to the navigation again
Make sure navbar-btn is added to the button in a navbar - test
Make sure navbar-form is added to form elements in the navbar - test
Add the ability to do navbar-text and navbar-link in the navbar