CodeBlender mainly uses the fantastic Font Awesome icon library.

Please also check out the icon partial.


= codeBlender "icon-stacked", "atom", { icon: "fa-shopping-cart", size: "fa-2x" }
<span class='fa fa-stack fa-2x'>
<span class='fa fa-circle-thin fa-stack-2x'></span>

<span class='fa fa-shopping-cart'></span>


Resources Useful websites and tutorials


Task Date
Make tabs for the different icons sets we utilise - Font Awesome
Present the icons into usable grids - copy from bootstrap
Understand the license of Font Awesome
Create an SCSS array for the social icons
Doc this page more - add in code snippets also
Document the social icons more
Identify the versions of the icons installed on CodeBlender
Allow an icon to be linked in this partial also - link_to