1. Api



The API will be utilised by all future Alpha projects SaaS approach

Always think is the code fast!

API Calls

Document the API nodes available. Utilise Flikr API docs as an example

Below is an example of how REST works, and how it can be tested with command line CURL

  1. Create new $entity curl -XPUT $data http://api.alphafounders.com/v($version)/$entity
  2. Update existing $entity curl -XPOST $data http://api.alphafounders.com/v($version)/$entity/$id
  3. Delete $entity curl -XDELETE http://api.alphafounders.com/v($version)/$entity/$id
  4. Get lists $entity curl http://api.alphafounders.com/v($version)/$entity/*
  5. Get detail $entity curl http://api.alphafounders.com/v($version)/$entity/$id


  • Document the API.
  • Security audit for devices - do we oAuth etc?
  • Start looking and defining a Third Party developer API - Flikr API